Sildajazz Cup 2005

Vi jazzzer oss litt i mellom kampene!
Publisert: 07. juli 2005 av Anders Grorud

14. august braker det løs på jazzens siste dag i Haugesund. Lars Tore Myge er arrangør av denne første jazzturneringen noen sinne! Mer info om turneringen følger her.

English follows......

Sted; Bakarøyno Haugesund Tid; Søndag 14 august, kl. 10:00 og utover. Deltakeravgift; 100 kroner. Gratis overnatting kan ordnes. Påmelding til Lars Tore Myge på tlf; 92815398. Foreløpig påmeldte; Lars Tore Myge Anders Grorud Jeremy Bradley (England) Leif Rune Sjursen English NBFF proudly invites you to the first ever Sildajazz Cup 2005 (Herring Jazz Cup). It will take place on August 14th in the beautiful town of Haugesund, Norway. At the time there is a jazz-festival being hosted in the city. That perhaps explanes the odd name! The tournament is not an official FISTF tournament but will be played according to the FISTF rules. It is possible to reach Haugesund by Ryanair. (Check Due to the festival, there is almost impossible to get a hotelroom in the city. We will of course provide all the players with a free stay. To enter the tournament or for other questions, mail Anders Grorud on or sms to the following numbers; Anders Grorud; 0047 93631021 Lars Tore Myge; 0047 92815398 Last date for entrys; August 10th. Tournamentfee; 100 kroner (10 euro) Hope to see you soon in Norway, once again!

← Tilbake

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 Kommentarer (2)

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dabada - lagt inn 08.Jul 05 01:01:46 #1
really hope so  
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Blue dabadee - lagt inn 07.Jul 05 22:18:32 #2
Will there be any organized herring fishing-trips at this tournament??  
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